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  • Why Compostable?
    We believe switching to compostable packaging is one of the most powerful ways we can make a positive impact on the health of our planet, and our health. We must reduce the amount of plastic damaging our procious waterways and oceans. Micro plastics are choking our wildlife and infiltrating our own bodies. Compost Me Home compostable packaging is sustainable - made from certified renewable fibres, reducing the reliance on petrochemicals. We believe in a circular economy and we pride ourselves on the Cradle to Cradle ethics – Packaging that can be returned back to nature after use. Waste reduction is our goal and we hope to see more and more businesses - small and large – joining the home compostable revolution. Our award winning prodcuts are designed to replace multi-layer barrier laminates that can’t be or aren’t being recycled.
  • Is Compost Me packaging right for my your business?
    Our products are ideally suited to dry goods up to 1kg in weight (grade dependant) that require barrier against oxygen and moisture. They have a natural barrier to aroma, oils (including mineral oils) and grease.
  • Compostable vs. oxo-degradeable plastic
    Oxo-degradable products are still sourced from fossil fuel based resources, they will also take a significantly longer time to break down in comparsion to Compostable Bio-plastics. Unfortunately there has not been conclusive evidence for the complete breakdown of oxo-degradable plastics or the types of residual compounds released in this process. Where as certified compostable products have gone under this rigorous testing.
  • What about the cost?
    This will be dependent on what structure is being replaced but typically they are 2 – 3 times more expensive than traditional petrochemical packaging. This is mainly down to the low price of oil based plastics and economy of scale.
  • What is a circualr economy and how does Compost Me fit into that?
    “The circular economy is seen as a logical alternative to a linear economy. In a linear economy, natural resources are extracted for producing materials that are manufactured in products to be incinerated or landfilled after use. The essence of a circular economy is to preserve natural resources by retaining the quality and value of products and their parts, and the materials.” PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency Compostable products when organically recycled are a true cradle to cradle solution.
  • How do I know is will actually compost
    Our laminates are independently tested and accredited to prove they breakdown at set composting conditions and are checked for eco-toxicity to ensure that they have no negative impact on the composting environment. Always look for manufacturers with certifiactions - like these:
  • Is it GM free
    We do not use materials that have intentionally added GM content.
  • Will it contaminate recycling routes?
    Compst Me home compostable packaging is organically recyclable and is a viable alternative to Petrochemical based plastic packaging that isn’t being recycled.
  • How long does it take to compost?
    Compost me Packaging is proven to break down completely in less than 26 Weeks in an at-home compost bin! It will aslo breakdown if it gets thrown in the bin accidentally and it is also proven to break down if it ends up in the ocean!
  • What happens if it goes into landfil?
    Whilst recycling, anaerobic digestion, composting and incineration create value from waste, landfill has no value and is not a sustainable option in the future. Compostable packaging will react in landfill the same as other organic waste such as paper and wood. Research has been undertaken which shows that organic waste in deep landfill is inert due the lack of oxygen and moisture required to start bio-degradation. * Environment and Plastics Industry Council Canada
  • What happens if it gets littered?
    No packaging should be littered but unlike Petrochemical based plastics our home compostable packaging will start to biodegrade in the presence of microbes, moisture and oxygen at ambient temperatures.
  • Does it break down in the ocean?
    8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the oceans each year and by “2050 there’ll be more plastic in the sea than fish…” (Source: Ellen McArthur foundation – New Plastics Economy) Packaging either petrochemical based or bio-based is not and should not be designed to be littered but as the figures above show it is happening. We are independently testing our home compostable laminates in a marine environment (ASTM D7081) and we are seeing encouraging results regarding biodegradation. Our laminates are designed to break down at ambient temperature in the presence of microbes, water and oxygen and naturally biodegrade back into water, Co2 and biomass without eco- toxicity. 24 weeks immersed in sea water --->
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