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The breakdown of compostable packaging


Updated: Sep 1, 2021

Let's discuss the breakdown of compostable packaging.

Consumers are left for choice after choice when browsing the supermarket shelves, they may be considering a yummy snack food for a healthier lifestyle, a bulk solution for the family, a product that finally meets their dietary requirements, or just a delicious dinner creation! Whatever the case, that product is likely packaged, and normally is just thrown in the bin. But considering how many households there are in Australia and how often we go through packaging, wouldn't you feel better physically seeing your footprint on this Earth make and grow something?

Become more sustainable with compostable packaging and see your change firsthand.

Once you've accidentally, or on purpose, consumed that whole packet of food you were hoping to savour, instead of just throwing it in the bin with a tinge of guilt, consider this, throwing it in your home compost and watching that packet completely disappear and become apart of your garden!

And if you don't already have a garden, well your probably in lockdown with the rest of us, so time to get your hands dirty! Over time, you'll see that "throwing your rubbish" into the garden means you've just given back what was taken from our Earth. That's right, your rubbish will disappear and be soaked back into mother nature. Adding to your garden soil and giving your garden much-needed benefits if your not a green thumb! All it takes is less than 26 weeks of leaving your discarded package in a home compostable bin/garden and it decomposes all by itself.

Helping our environment and nurturing it is work, but with Compost Me's packaging we've found a way that the work begins with us and our wonderful customers. Our home compostable products are independently tested and certified to safely breakdown, every inch of our product is home compostable, including the adhesive that keeps our customers delicious and organic products safe for your consumption. Become apart of the compostable packaging revolution and support your Australian products, be on the lookout for this important symbol on the packaging of your favourite foods and get composting!


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